A Letter To My Pregnant Self…..

Do you ever think about the way you felt when you were pregnant? Are there things you wish you could tell yourself that might have reassured or comforted you during that time? Well I have done just that. I gave birth over two years ago, but these are the things I would tell that pregnant girl.
Dear pregnant me,
Do not be afraid. Sometimes it is the only emotion you feel because it is so intense but fear can be so very crippling. You have nothing to fear and you are more capable than you realise.
Accept the hand-me-downs. I know you want the baby to have the best of everything but trust me on this one. This beautiful baby will go through 2-3 changes of clothes daily. That massive bag of clean neutral baby grows would have come in a lot handier than you thought.
Stop putting yourself under so much pressure to be the girl who takes pregnancy in her stride. Yes it’s natural, yes millions of women do it but sometimes you feel less than amazing and that is perfectly OK.
Consider the breastfeeding thing more… I know you are 100% committed to bottle feeding but little do you know that you will in fact breastfeed long-term and it will become such a big part of your story. Never say never. Give yourself permission to do what feels right for you.
That little hiccup you felt in the cinema? You were right, it was the baby. Amazing huh?
Sleep. Sleep as much as you possibly can and never regret a single nap that you are lucky enough to experience. Sleep is about to change and while it’s more worth it than anything you have every done, there is a lot to be said for enjoying sleep when it is so accessible.
Take more photos of your bump. You will cherish those photos forever and they bring back so many incredible memories.
Remember that you are beautiful inside and out. You might not feel that way all the time but you are about to embark on one of the most amazing journey of your life. You are about to feel love like you have never felt before. You are about to become a mother.
Oh…. and… EAT THE CAKE.
Yours Sincerely,
A sleep deprived, slightly chunkier but ridiculously happy future mommy you!